Sunday, March 31, 2019

NaPoWrimo 2019 Early Bird

Well, it is almost the start of National Poetry Writing Month -- NaPoWriMo -- in which we write a poem per day for the entire month of April.  An optional prompt is given each day, plus there is an Early Bird Prompt, given on March 31st.  Today's prompt is to write a poetic self portait, in which we portray ourselves in the guise of a figure from history or mythology.  Here is what I came up with.

Portrait of Myself as Vlad the Impaler

After a few hundred years
I grew weary of being remembered
for my cruelty and bloodlust
even though I brought it
upon myself

by impaling my enemies on stakes
on the grounds of my castle,
often taking meals while sitting
in the midst of their squirming,
screaming bodies as they died,
nailing turbans to the heads
of visiting Ottomans when they didn't show
the proper respect,
and performing countless
other acts of malice.

At the time it brought me
orgasmic ecstasy,
and my legend grew
feeding on fear and veneration,
like the Old Testament God.

But these things faded
over centuries.  I was dead
but my hell consisted of memories,
of reliving the horrors 
I had perpetrated

so that I felt some relief
when Mr. Stoker wrote his novel,
transforming me into a supernatural
creature of the night,
living on the blood of victims
because I had no choice.

Such a hell was comparable
to the one I was experiencing,

But further years softened me
in the minds of millions,
transforming me first into 
an eccentric but lovable
grandfather, a patriarch
to a family of friendly monsters,

and then into a mascot
promoting chocolate flavored cereal
on Saturday mornings,

and finally into a benign,
almost avuncular eccentric
with a passion for numbers 
and a quirky laugh,
whose main vocation in life
was teaching children to count. - Jeff Barnes

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Foot Haiku

Even at my age
my feet keep getting bigger.
I'll soon need clown shoes. - Jeff Barnes

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Haiku Lullaby

Chaos in the sky --
thunder, lightning, wind, and rain
lull me into sleep. - Jeff Barnes

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Hour before dawn --
branches crisscross the full moon.
Last day of winter - Jeff Barnes

Monday, March 11, 2019


Sunless morning drive.
In a continent of clouds --
heart-shaped lake of sky. - Jeff Barnes

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Bird in the distance
sits on a tree's highest branch --
snowy afternoon. - Jeff Barnes

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Panther in the night
stalks his prey without surcease
until he pounces...

In the morning he snoozes,
purring in his kitty bed. - Jeff Barnes

This is an example of the Japanese form of poetry called tanka -- a haiku followed by two extra lines of seven syllable each.  I wrote it about our cat, Jonah.