Monday, August 5, 2019


These days we look
more like retirees
on a cruise
than the bohemian
flower children we once
fancied ourselves
as we line up outside
the concert venue, waiting
for the doors to open.

The lead guitarist plays
his solos as flawlessly as ever,
though he resembles
the Crypt Keeper
when he glares at the audience
with a "get off my lawn" scowl,
and I wonder if he will
start shaking his
sunburst Gibson hollow body
like a cane as he shouts
at people for talking,
and tells them
to stop taking photos.

But still, I make you laugh,
as I do every time 
at these events
when I lean toward you and,
with my mouth to your ear
say, "This is a rock concert!
What are all these old people
doing here?" - Jeff Barnes

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