Saturday, April 13, 2019

NaPoWriMo2019, Day 13

The prompt today is to write a poem that is mysterious and spooky -- either in a good way or a bad way.  

Death a la Magritte

I wish that death could be just like
a painting by Magritte.
My love and I would be together,
though our heads be draped in sheets.

Our faces would be hidden
lest anyone should get nosy.
We could sit up inside our coffins,
which would be soft and supple and cozy.

What fun it would be to walk the streets.
Everybody would stop and stare
and wonder why my bowler hat seemed
to be floating on empty air.

You will not have to mourn for me,
for I will never say goodbye.
Just look up and you'll see my soul
in a dove-shaped patch of sky. - Jeff Barnes

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